Browse METER's data archives using the interactive calendar, and search for specific records using the Find function. Additional selection, filtering, and formatting is described in Reports and Output. Calendar Fig.1 The calendar operates on click-drag-and-scroll selection principles similar to selecting text in a word processor. - click on any date to view records for that day - click and drag over a sequence of days to select and view that period (or click on a day, then shift-click on another day) - click and drag above or below the month to select a multi-month period - click on a month-letter, or on the year-arrows, to browse the calendar (without changing the current selection period) - click on W/M/Y to select all days in the current week/month/year - click on Today to select today’s data An outline will extend to surround the entire selected period. Your Mac has data only for days that are displayed in black; grayed-out days have no local data, but data from remote Macs will be read for any days included in the outlined calendar selection. If you click on a day and an entire week or month is selected, it means that METER’s archiving process has merged that period’s records in order to keep the data file compact. Archiving options are set in Mac setup. Find Fig.2 Enter a record name or partial name. Press Tab, Return, or Enter to search for all matching records. ~ Lists METER's data display is broken into three sections: a titles line, a totals line, and a scrolling list. Normally, each line in the scrolling list shows exactly one project, software signature, and record name. Sometimes a line might refer to multiple projects, software types, or names (shown by a number in brackets), depending on the setting of the Report menu. The titles line can be used to sort and group the list contents. • Click on a column title to sort the list by that heading. The current Sort column is titled in boldface. • Option-click on a column title (Mac, Project, Sign, or Name only) to summarise the display, with sub-totals for each Mac, Project, etc. You can do the same thing using the Report menu. The current summary column is titled in italics. Times Apps, Docs, and Tasks are reported in a timelog format, comparing worktime against elapsed time. Fig.0 • "Active" means "active human worktime"; "Front" means "frontmost display time". The Apps display also shows "CPU", or computer processing time. • To move records between different projects, use the pop-up menu in the Project column. You can re-assign large numbers of records in a single operation: for example, group the display by ‘Sign,’ then gather all records for one software type into a single project. Undo changes by re-selecting the popup menu’s topmost item. Changes are written to file when you select new records to view. • To view records under their original creator projects, use the ‘Revert’ checkbox. • Double-click on a software icon to list records for that software type only. • Abbreviations used in elapsed-time displays: " = seconds ' = minutes h = hours d = days (hours x 24) w = weeks (days x 7) ~ Charges Earn and Share records are reported in a spreadsheet-style display, in which the final column is editable. When addresses are included, output is similar to an invoice. Fig.2 • Earn and Share lists work as do Apps, Docs, and Tasks, with the exception that they display costs rather than times, and a group of records may be preceded by an address. • If you edit the ‘Agree’ column total, all figures listed below will be recalculated and updated in the data file. You can also edit any line’s Agree value to recalculate and update the relevant records in the data file. • Charges based on hourly rates CANNOT be permanently changed by editing the ‘Agree’ figure. You can only change these entries by altering the hourly rate itself, using the Charges or Tasks dialogs. You can, however, print or export a list containing temporary changes, for example to produce a modified invoice or shareware payment.